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Multiselect - Multiselect component

  • The total count of selected items will be displayed as the placeholder text when the multiselect is collapsed.
  • When items are selected they will be shown as dismissible badges above the filter input when the multiselect has focus.
  • If at least one item is selected, there will be a clear all button displayed in place of the dropdown chevron when the multiselect has focus.
  • Selected items are displayed at the top of the dropdown for easy access (refreshed on multiselect collapse).
<KMultiselect label="Pick Something" :items="items" />



An array of items containing a label and value.

You may also specify:

  • a certain item is selected by default
  • a certain item is disabled
  • certain items are grouped under a group


If an item is specified with selected: true and disabled: true, then the item will be selected, disabled in the dropdown list, and the dismiss button will be removed, meaning a user cannot remove the selected item.

You can specify disabledTooltipText property to customize the disabled tooltip that appears when hovering over the lock icon. Defaults to This item cannot be removed.

<KMultiselect :items="[{
    label: 'Cats',
    value: 'cats',
    selected: true
  }, {
    label: 'Dogs',
    value: 'dogs',
    selected: true,
    disabled: true,
    disabledTooltipText: 'This item is disabled and cannot be removed'
  }, {
    label: 'Bunnies',
    value: 'bunnies',
    selected: true
    label: 'Lions',
    value: 'lions',
    disabled: true,
    disabledTooltipText: 'This item is disabled and cannot be selected'
  }, {
    label: 'Tigers',
    value: 'tigers',
    disabled: true
  }, {
    label: 'Bears',
    value: 'bears'
  }, {
    label: 'A long & truncated item',
    value: 'long'
  }, {
    label: 'Duck',
    value: 'duck',
    group: 'Birds'
    label: 'Salmon',
    value: 'salmon',
    group: 'Fish'
  }, {
    label: 'Oriole',
    value: 'oriole',
    group: 'Birds'
  }, {
    label: 'Trout',
    value: 'trout',
    group: 'Fish'


KMultiselect can offer users the ability to add custom items to the list by typing the item they want to and then clicking the ... (Add new value) item at the bottom of the list, which will also automatically select it.

Newly created items will have a label consisting of the user input and a randomly generated id for the value to ensure uniqueness. It will also have an attribute custom set to true. This action triggers an item:added event containing the added item data.

Deselecting the item will completely remove it from the list and underlying data, and trigger a item:removed event containing the removed item's data.


You cannot add an item if the label matches the label of a pre-existing item. In that scenario the ... (Add new value) item will not be displayed.

  <KLabel>Value:</KLabel> {{ mySelections }}
  <KLabel>Added Items:</KLabel> {{ addedItems }}
    @item:added="(item) => trackNewItems(item, true)"
    @item:removed="(item) => trackNewItems(item, false)"

<script setup lang="ts">
  const mySelections = ref(['cats','bunnies'])
  const addedItems = ref([])

  const trackNewItems = (item, added) => {
    if (added) {
    } else {
      addedItems.value = addedItems.value.filter(anItem => anItem.value !== item.value)


The label for the select.

<KMultiselect label="Cool label" :items="items" />


Use the labelAttributes prop to configure the KLabel's props if using the label prop. This example shows using the label-attributes to set up a tooltip, see the slot section if you want to slot HTML into the tooltip rather than use plain text.

    help: 'I use the KLabel `help` prop',
    'data-testid': 'test'


You can pass a width string for the dropdown. By default the width is 300px. This is the width of the input, dropdown, and selected item. Currently we support numbers (will be converted to px), auto, and percentages for width.


Because we are controlling the widths of multiple elements, we recommend using this prop to control the width instead of explicitly adding classes or styles to the KMultiselect component.

<KMultiselect width="80%" :items="items" />


Use this prop to customize the number of rows of selections to display when the multiselect has focus. By default, we display 2 rows of selections. Additional selections will be combined into an additional count badge if the number of selections would extend beyond the selection row count. You can hover over this badge to see the remaining selections.

<KMultiselect :selected-row-count="1" :items="items" />


By default, we try to keep the KMultiselect display slim. This means that KMultiselect only takes up a single line when it doesn't have focus. You can set collapsedContext to true if you want to continue to see the selections even when KMultiselect doesn't have focus. Note: the selectedRowCount determines the maximum number of rows the KMultiselect will take up when collapsed.

<KMultiselect collapsed-context :items="items" />
<KMultiselect :selected-row-count="1" collapsed-context :items="items" />


By default, we try to keep the KMultiselect display slim. This means that KMultiselect only takes up a single line when it doesn't have focus, and when focused, if the selected entries would display beyond the selectedRowCount we collapse them into the additional count badge. You can set expandSelected to true if you want to continue to see the selections even when KMultiselect doesn't have focus. Instead of collapsing additional selections into the additional count badge we will allow you to scroll through all of your selections.

<KMultiselect expand-selected :items="items" />

You can pass a dropdownMaxHeight string for the dropdown. By default, the dropdownMaxHeight is 300px. This is the maximum height of the KMultiselect dropdown when open. You can pass a number (will be converted to px), auto, percentages, or vh units.

<KMultiselect :items="items" dropdown-max-height="150" />

Adds informational text to the bottom of the dropdown options which remains visible even if the content is scrolled. Can also be slotted.

<KMultiselect dropdown-footer-text="Sticky dropdown footer text" :items="items" />

By default, the dropdown footer text will be stuck to the bottom of the dropdown and will always be visible even if the dropdown content is scrolled.

If you want to override the behaviour and have the footer text at the end of the dropdown list, use the value static. This ensures the footer text is visible only when the user scrolls to view the bottom of the list.

Accepted values: sticky (default) and static.

<KMultiselect dropdown-footer-text-position="static" dropdown-footer-text="Static dropdown footer text" :items="items" />


Use fixed positioning of the popover to avoid content being clipped by parental boundaries - defaults to true. See KPop docs for more information.


You can use the loading prop to show a loading indicator in place of the chevron while fetching data from API. See autosuggest for a functional example.

<KMultiselect loading :items="items" />


Use this prop to override the default filter function if you want to do something like filter on an attribute other than label. Your filter function should take as parameter a JSON object containing the items to filter on (items) and the query string (query) and return the filtered items. See Slots for an example.

myCustomFilter ({ items, query }) {
  return items.filter(anItem => anItem.label.includes(query))


filterFunc does not work with autosuggest enabled. For autosuggest, you are in charge of filtering the options, so KMultiselect won't filter them internally. See autosuggest for more details.


KMultiselect works as regular inputs do using v-model for data binding:

  <KLabel>Value:</KLabel> {{ myVal }}
  <KMultiselect v-model="myVal" :items="items" />
  <KButton @click="clearIt">Clear</KButton>

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'

export default defineComponent({
  data() {
    return {
      myVal: ['cats', 'bunnies'],
      items: [{
        label: 'Cats',
        value: 'cats',
        selected: true
      }, {
        label: 'Dogs',
        value: 'dogs',
        selected: true,
        disabled: true
      }, {
        label: 'Bunnies',
        value: 'bunnies',
        selected: true
        label: 'Lions',
        value: 'lions'
      }, {
        label: 'Tigers',
        value: 'tigers'
      }, {
        label: 'Bears',
        value: 'bears'
      }, {
        label: 'A long & truncated item',
        value: 'long'
  methods: {
    clearIt() {
      this.myVal = []


Add the autosuggest prop to trigger a query to an API with the filter keyword, and then update items asynchronously as suggestions as the user types. Empty state content can be configured using the empty slot.


When using autosuggest, you MUST use v-model otherwise the Multiselect can't maintain an accurate list of which items are selected.

  <template v-slot:item-template="{ item }">
    <div class="select-item-label">{{ item.label }}</div>
    <div class="select-item-desc">{{ item.label }}</div>
  <template v-slot:empty>
    <div>No results found</div>

<script lang="ts">
const allItems = new Array(10).fill().map((_, i) => ({
  label: `Item ${i}`,
  description: `This is the description for item ${i}.`,
  value: `autosuggest-item-${i}`,
  ...(i > 5 && { group: `${i % 2 === 0 ? 'Even items greater than 5' : 'Odd items greater than 5'}` })

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      myAutoVal: [],
      defaultItems: [],
      items: [],
      loading: false,
  methods: {
    onQueryChange (val) {
      if (val === '' && !this.defaultItems.length) {
        this.loading = true;
        // If query is empty and default items are not fetched, fetch them
        setTimeout(() => {
          this.defaultItems = allItems;
          this.items = => Object.assign({}, item));
          this.loading = false;
        }, 200);

      if (val === '') {
        // If query is empty and default items are fetched, use the default items
        this.items = => Object.assign({}, item));

      this.loading = true;

      // Otherwise fetch items that contain the keyword
      setTimeout(() => {
        this.items =
            .filter(item => item.label.toLowerCase().includes(val.toLowerCase()) || item.description.toLowerCase().includes(val.toLowerCase()))
            .map(item => Object.assign({}, item));
        this.loading = false;
      }, 200);

autosuggest with debounce


The query-change event triggers immediately when the user types in the input. If you need to send API requests in the query-change event handler, you may want to implement a debounce function. The following is an example:

  <template v-slot:item-template="{ item }">
    <div class="select-item-label">{{ item.label }}</div>
    <div class="select-item-desc">{{ item.label }}</div>

<script lang="ts">
function debounce(func, timeout) {
  let timer;
  return function (...args) {
    timer = setTimeout(() => {
      func.apply(this, args);
    }, timeout);

const allItems = new Array(10).fill().map((_, i) => ({
  label: `Item ${i}`,
  description: `This is the description for item ${i}.`,
  value: `autosuggest-item-${i}`,
  ...(i > 5 && { group: `${i % 2 === 0 ? 'Even items greater than 5' : 'Odd items greater than 5'}` })

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      myDebounceAutoVal: [],
      defaultItems: [],
      items: [],
      loading: true,
  methods: {
    onQueryChange (val) {
      if (val === '' && !this.defaultItems.length) {
        // If query is empty and default items are not fetched, fetch them
        this.loading = true;

        setTimeout(() => {
          this.defaultItems = allItems;
          this.items = => Object.assign({}, item));
          this.loading = false;
        }, 200);

      if (val === '') {
        // If query is empty and default items are fetched, use the default items
        this.items = => Object.assign({}, item));


    debouncedHandler: debounce(function (val) {
      this.loading = true;
      // Fetch items that contain the keyword
      setTimeout(() => {
        this.items =
            .filter(item => item.label.toLowerCase().includes(val.toLowerCase()) || item.description.toLowerCase().includes(val.toLowerCase()))
            .map(item => Object.assign({}, item));
        this.loading = false;
      }, 200);
    }, 400)

Attribute Binding

You can pass any input attribute and it will get properly bound to the element.

<KMultiselect disabled placeholder="type something" :items="[{ label: 'test', value: 'test' }]" />


KMultiselect will display an * to indicate a field is required if you set the required attribute and provide a label. See KLabel's required prop for more information.


Text passed in for the label will automatically strip any trailing * when used with the required attribute to try to prevent duplicate asterisks.

<KMultiselect label="Name" required :items="items" />


  • label-tooltip - slot for tooltip content if multiselect has a label and label has tooltip (note: this slot overrides help/info content specified in label-attributes)
  • item-template - The template for each item in the dropdown list
  • empty - Slot for the empty state in the dropdown list
  • dropdown-footer-text - Slot for footer text in the bottom of the dropdown


If you want to utilize HTML in the multiselect label's tooltip, use the slot.

<KMultiselect label="My Tooltip" :items="items">
  <template #label-tooltip>Brings all the <code>devs</code> to the yard</template>


When utilizing the label-tooltip slot, the info KIcon will be shown by default. To utilize the the help icon instead, set the label-attributes help property to any non-empty string value.

  label="My Tooltip"
  :label-attributes="{ help: 'true' }"
  <template #label-tooltip>Brings all the <code>devs</code> to the yard</template>


You can use the item-template slot to customize the look and feel of your items. Use slots to gain access to the item data.


If you use the .select-item-label and .select-item-desc classes within the slot as shown in the example below, the dropdown items will inherit preconfigured styles for two-level select items which you're then free to customize.

<KMultiselect :items="myItems" width="100%" :filterFunc="customFilter">
  <template v-slot:item-template="{ item }">
    <div class="select-item-label">{{ item.label }}</div>
    <div class="select-item-desc">{{ item.description }}</div>

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'

export default defineComponent({
  data() {
    return {
      myItems: this.getItems(5),
  methods: {
    getItems(count) {
      let myItems = []
        for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            label: `Item ${i}`,
            value: `item_${i}`,
            description: `${i} - The item's description for number ${i}`
      return myItems
    customFilter (items, queryStr) {
      return items.filter(item => {
        return item.label.toLowerCase().includes(queryStr.toLowerCase()) ||


You can use the empty slot to customize the look of the dropdown list when there is no options. See autosuggest for an example of this slot.

Slot the content of the dropdown footer text. This slot will override the dropdownFooterText prop if provided.

<KMultiselect dropdown-footer-text="I am replaceable" :items="items">
  <template #dropdown-footer-text>
    Come as you are


selectedan item is clickedarray of selected item objects
update:modelValueselections are changedarray of selected item values
changeselections are changedlast item selected/deselected Object or null
item:addedenableItemCreation is true and an item is addeditem object being added to selections
item:removedenableItemCreation is true and an added item is deselecteditem object being removed from selections
query-changefilter string is changedquery String

An example of hooking into events to modify newly created items (enableItemCreation) as they are added.

    @item:added="item => handleAddedItem(item, true)"
    @item:removed="item => handleAddedItem(item, false)"

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

const myItems = ref([
    label: '200',
    value: 200,
    selected: true,
    disabled: true
    label: '400',
    value: 400
    label: '401',
    value: 401
    label: '404',
    value: 404
    label: '500',
    value: 500

const handleAddedItem = (item, added) => {
  if (added) { // addition
    item.custom = true
    // mutate added items in some way
    item.value = `${item.label}-overridden`
  } else { // removal
    myItems.value = myItems.value.filter(anItem => anItem.value !== item.value)

const handleSelection = (selectedItems) => {
  // updated selected state
  myItems.value.forEach(item => {
    const itemSelected = selectedItems.filter(sItem => sItem.value === item.value).length
    item.selected = itemSelected ? true : false

Released under the Apache-2.0 License.